
Bard & Dancer
RP:T'minx grew up in a tribal home. Upon attaining adulthood, having passed through the tribal rituals of ascension, T'minx met her sweet love T'avald one day while hunting, and she became a Treeshadow when he brought her into his family. T'minx is devoted to him, and they are very happy.Together they are rebuilding their lives after the Calamity, and have settled in the Gridanian hills. They enjoy making new friends, and very much enjoy their fellow Talons.

T'minx is curious, loving and very chaotic but loyal and true to those close too

OOC:I DJ in FFXIV, and on other virtual platforms, and I love taking pictures, and playing games with friends. In FFXIV, am in the best FC ever; the Tempest Talons (on Mateus, Crystal Data Server). I am happily taken by my Beloved T'avald Treeshadow.